May 6, 2009

The Shivers - In the Morning

From: Ray Day []  Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 11:35 AM To: Ossie O Subject: RE: roomarootoor

Not nary am I disappointed in you, but more so, am disappointed in I. I made you this way. I am to blame too blamed. adast thee, my world weary friend. and take thine own suff-bearance to a plain sought tithering to the highest wail...... OSSIE I INTENTIONALLY SAID THAT TO GO OVER YOUR HEAD. TAKE THE 21.85 DOLLARS OUT OF MY ROOM AND GO TO THE WENDY'S UNTIL I COME GET YOU.

PS. don't use your business address anymore, it goes directly to SPAM 


From: Ossie O [] Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 11:32 AM To: Ray Day Subject: RE: roomarootoor


Right now reading yurtle the turtle. apparantly the shell can take a lot of pressure, which is a relief. also communism seems to have its weaknesses. ypu? You sure are stupid sumtimez. I already experimented on the turtles giving them a direct line from their turtle brains to the TV. Its working, cuz now they can breath smoke! LOL GAG CUC.

From: Ray Day []  Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 11:28 AM To: Ossie O Cc:; Catlin Subject: RE: roomarootoor


ossie, type with yr hands open. we took those classes. also- thanks about my grandfather. and what are ypu planning to do with those turtles? leave them alone til i get home @ 4:30.



From: Ossie O [] Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 11:25 AM To: Ray Day Subject: RE: roomarootoor


I did some turtle research. THEY CAN BEAT RABBITS IN RACES. I didnt thik it wa truw at fursdt buy a hare is a reavbbbit! Alsso- he's dyingg njot deasd.


From: Ray Day [] 

Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 11:23 AM To: Ossie O Subject: RE: roomarootoor


dammit ossie. If the turtles are weak, we can recycle their shells and turtle meat is axxually tasty.  You are not supposed to open mail with my name on it. Remember what you learned in class. And its Splinter.


From: Ossie O []

Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 11:22 AM To: Ray Day Subject: RE: roomarootoor


You can't tell me how not to do with stuff when I can't hear you. You mean these turtles shouldn't be trained to bid correctly? We can have a master turtle clan of Price is Right turtle contestants! They are weak they need my guidance. I think I'm like Splitter! From show? hahahahaha. O- I just opened all the mail its easier. You're grandfather is dying.


From: Ray Day []  Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 11:20 AM To: Ossie O Subject: RE: roomarootoor


Ossie, those turtles are for a magic trick. Don't touch them. Don't open any more of my mail.


From: Ossie O [] Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2009 11:01 AM To: Ray Day Subject: roomarootoor


Who raised these turtles? They seem like they were spoiled, or at least were given less a chance in life. I think I would be  father figure to them. I mean if they were around longer, I mean.  Show them what they're made of :-0


Ossie Oatnmenel

Public Marketing Coordinator and See Thru Specialist

Soaktown Ent. Inc. Prolax

10983 Lobe Hill Drive

Manther, KA 75178

665-884-3555 ext. 4994


Hunk Used to mean Attractive: Just DIdn't Need to Know

It so hard to find a working garbage can: at a Furniture store

1 comment:

ranlenet said...

How did you?
Where did you?

I should have read it frontwards