Man seeks Women, preferably for sex and plumbing. Plumbing is both an innuendo and actually some maintenance work on my pipes, again this is both innuendo and fixing some clogs, also innuendo and manual labor, which is of course only innuendo. But seriously, my upstairs sink is retaining. Which brings me to my next point of qualitutification: Can you give the hang ten sign with your toes? Are most of your clothes reversible? Do you stereotype salads? Has your lower back ever been described as "God's Post It Note"? Is "God's Post It Note" a term you can see yourself with? Is that you inside the whack a mole? Can you do what I think beef is as a verb? If this sounds like you, or this sounds like you: "wee-AWW" then I think we are a match made in Heaven. Coincidently, I make matches and my match company is called heaven. Heaven Burning Down Matches. since 2007. "We Make Your Wildest Dreams about Matches Come more True than if you did nothing 2007." Also, can I borrow 5 dollars?
If you are LeBron and Dwight Howard fouls out, you take your shot: T.A.K.E.
for Nourishment: in Moderation
1 comment:
This is dumb.
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