Thomas Haden Church- "OK man, just because I'm standing over here- doesn't mean I'M LOOKING OVER THERE. Hello? Listen, you got to get some facts straight (lights cigarette), I can't help being this attractive yet this oblivious to women's needs or desires. Can't. Not my M.O. if you know what I'm saying, chief. "
Tom Everett Scott's Church- (church door opens) (church bells ring) (people clamoring, "good morning"s) (hymns "Jesus is Alive with Crosses the Rock")(sermon) (people leaving) (clown horns) (bullets being shot) (dentist drills) (Oprah theme) (crying followed by a loud and overbearing AMEN).
Thomas' Haden Fox - "Geez, Jerry Van Dyke Character, that situation didn't call for that. O man, Christine! I forgot!"
Another thing - "An Indonesian paper company is planning to log an area of unprotected jungle which is being used as a reintroduction site for about 100 critically endangered orangutans, activists said Tuesday. A coalition of environmental groups said a joint venture between Asia Pulp & Paper and Sinar Mas Group had received a licence to clear the largest portion of natural forest remaining outside Bukit Tigapuluh national park on Sumatra."
Skills to pay the Bills, Buddha Stalin: House of Diamonds
Judy Funnie: you're just too much sometimes
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