When I had a time machine I went back in time I took a whole lotta swans with me. Thats my calling card. It just is. I don't know when swan's evolved, but wow- cavepeople killed anything. And you haven't seen the crucifixion until you seen swans fly into crosses, not knocking them over, but shaking them just enough comically. Swans ate most of the manna during that one bible thing I remember. Swan feathers help distract Annie Frank from breaking the law. Recently- I just started going to random prom and even fake proms for movies. Swans just seem to fit there, and twas there I realized that I should use my gift of releasing swans thru time for good. No more hanging swans by the neck in the background of important movies. No more bringing swans to important developmental moments in the live's of geniuses. No more convincing Van Gogh to only paint with swan dicks. No more rehashing old jokes so you can get a blog entry out of the way. I mean we're better than this. This is the same shit you've been peddling for 23 years now. Expand and re-pand. Give up this fight. Its been over since you were 15. Think to yourself for yourself. Be a man with a plan in the hand. Your sleeping dog is lying. Brush and be, you've learned nothing and that's a good thing. Your bed is pretty comfortable, but you've never been to heaven. Keep flour in your pocket. You're getting and its showing. Step almost to 1.
Beat Up Your Dad: "I didn't look at track names yet"
Blow Drying is a term: Not a code
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