Meeting Brian Dennehy was the thrill of my life, only because I thought he was a bear that turned into a human. I asked him all the normal questions, 'how late do you stay up?', 'how many times have you nonpurposely seen Holly Hunter naked?', 'when's dinner?', 'after you finish up can you take out the garbages?'. He responded with answers I can only describe as normal but I was too distracted by his garb. A tshirt and jeans? This was a hollywood star who has appeared on the likes of a just shoot me, and he denegrates himself to a 80 dollar designer tee? I was so taken that I started jabbing toothpicks in his side and chest. I used them as steps and holdings to climb the massive actor. I climbed to the deepest high peek in the burlsome man's face and spray painted a rainbow distillery labeled with 'Our Neighboring Thumbs'. I then climbed to the summit, the top of his head and saw all that the world was offering. My life was made here, in the thick air in thin hair. I started hearing rumblings from below, and I felt my sainthood melting- it was time for Dennehey to go, to be shared by another. I greased myself from the blood and saliva of a dead water bison found along the brim of the ear and slid down to safety, smelling the overpowering man scent as I came closer to his taint. I will never forget my time on Brian Dennehey, for he was eating my children at the time.
Your life story after you lost the weight: Dead End Trail
The Demographic for Action Movies: people who don't know who Amy Adams is
1 comment:
amy adams is so hot with short hair
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