I like your band cuz they reference Tom Robbins just below the amount it would be considered ripping off Tom Robbins. Pablo Neruda, thats a different story? "Heavenly key to mayonnaise"? Nice try.
I like the way your dad plays Mouse Trap... not only does he set it up for us, he doesn't care that we are high.
I like that puppet show on public access. The way the voice doesn't match up to the puppet mouth is more a comment on our society? Are we really saying what we are saying? Does the cat puppet perceived bad boy image distract us from the fact that he is of lesser quality than the other puppets- ergo do we look down upon those that ask to be judged? Does our host and only human ally have all the answers and have all the answers in song? Will being polite actually kill me?
I like hind legs cuz they have more vital muscles and the connecting haunches have a lot of softer fur. They may take longer to cook, but its more than worth the wait. Also the back paws make better key chain add ons.
I like the calmness one gets after a series of maddening events. The talking of the way down is stressful and calamitous, but the reward upon realizing the capabilities of one's darkside is fervent and can be stored away. Know thy powers, work on them, let them out later. The calming factor is a brooding one. Don't show your cards, let them think things are fine. Time will come, darkness shall reign.
I like old people swimming. Very fun to watch. Very detailed. Wet Wrinkles, ya know?
What Ought Got Bought in Irot: Kesä ja hymyilevät huulet
Backup Reference: Shabbir Banoobhai
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