Ya know those foot pajamas? With the feet attached to the pajama making for a sweet one piece? Ya know- footie pajamas? WELL BUCKLE THE FUCKLE UPPLE! Introducing- BOOTIES! The same process of the classic footie pajamas, but the feet are steel toed-water proof-industrial leather strength BOOTS! Relive the dormant fun of childhood with the added sense of the blue collar living you have today. These boots are durable, furnable, turntable, can withstand breezes, and THEY ARE CONNECTED TO THE OUTFIT YOU ARE WEARING (which is a full cotten blend pajama jumpsuit complete with front and back zipper)! The BOOTIE comes in a Vank variety of styles of boot to meet your needs: LumberLord (Middle Earth Lumberjacks), ItsyBibleBitsy (Midget Priests), HelloPussy (Japanese Sex Slaves/Vulgar childs), Goth-icky (all black and covered in a thin goo layer), Blue (blue), ThinThug (extra tight for the hiphop'n), MasquaFrankfort (the famous mardi gras celebration in Kentucky's capitol), and NEW from Bootie!: The Sandoo! A one piece pajama connected to a Sandal (foot thong, flip flip, rat baiter). Perfect for the beach or for being a former rapist! Live it up at bed time, or wear bootie on the go! Bootie- your feet fall asleep in boots!
"Its like boots plus footies. You could have also done it musically for Fluties, also Fruities was an option, just make the shape like a banana or a plum or a plumb. Remember Frooties, the fruit tootsie rolls? Those were great to gamble with. Tootsies! Like individual toes on the foot of the pajamas? Shooties? Just make the foot a capable air gun, for kids or for homeowners protecting their kids. Mute-ies? or mooties? Envelope you in a silence, no noise gets thru- everyone can sleep in peace. Hooties- like hoodies for your feet, with draw strings and all that? Cooties are something right? Eh go with the first idea."
Eyebrows extensions use this for commercials: Aquarian Time
Lazy Man's Wallpaper: posters for The Air Up There
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