columns, olive juice, stomping, writing on graves, hermaphrodites, vases, hair detail in stone statues, tragedy, food displays, honey wine, making up constellations, volting, intelligent flys, greek pretzels, online raping, rubber screwdrivers, meta-winter sports, Home Improvement, flaunting, Marrying thru guilt, Vita Blue, Canyons, Scheinder's of Berlin, Mouseketeers, Koosh Ball Filings, interdeveloping relationships between time and space and eyebrow length, soft glass, stunted imagination, suspender umbrellas, hospital patient rodeos, sectioning off, numbers past fifty, Cypress Hill
Things Grease gave us:
Ill-timing, the pressure to make something out of the high school experience, the right to be sexually active before you're ready, how to hide erections, the ways and means to conduct illegal car races, the knowledge of how important looks are, High School Musical, to not count on your intelligence, to not count on your athleticism, to count on people who dress like you, Lets Get Physical, a sequel, gay people, the esteem needed to decorate a gym, unrealistic expectations of the end of school year, idiots who like Grease too much, the word
Once comparing the two- we see that they are not only the exact same thing, but also deal with large amounts of misplaced pride in children.
We sold the word Folks to the Latins: I Feel Eternal
Arsonist Suggestion: save money, start smoking
1 comment:
that is the best comparison that i thought i would never see ever.
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