You know what this zoo needs? EYEBROWS! Eyebrows everywhere. A zoo brimmed with bush browed creatures and furrowing face fuzz. Manatees can use the eyebrows to sift their food probably. Elephants can use their eyebrows to distract from their ugly faces. Eyebrows can be used for storage nets like velcro for bats and birds. And goodness knows the ocelots can use a tune up. And we can have a pit of eyebrows, a man eating eye brow, fake eyebrows that cost 5 dollars each and real animal eyebrows for 700 dollars each. We can have catchphrases like "Go to the zoo right brow!' We'd have the most eyebrows per square zoo inch. Yes eyebrows, and I'm not an idiot.
I dunno we can glue them on? Is there a pill? Skin grafting? Is there eyebrow baldness? Is that a thing, a real problem? I know I'm getting off subject here. But what happens if a person can't grow eyebrows? Well, what I'm getting at, is we find him and help him and then help our zoo too. I don't know if its a him, I just said it was a him, it could be a her. I said him cuz baldness happens more in men. What, really? She is? Well then the carpet matches the drapes, heh.
Why does one of my favorite bands: Suck Now?
Douche Name/Funny Tshirts: Christian Hunter
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