Hey man, you ever encapsulated your penis? What? Everybody is doing it, its the thing to do from peer pressure. Dude, dude, dude here take this zip lock bag, put it like so- tuck it under the balls, and I'm just ganna suck the air out here... there. Penis feel choked? Nice huh? There are other levels you can take. Most men just straight up choke theirs, but your thumbs look week. Here look at mine--- its in a wood block, I chisel away at it to heighten the experience. I tried putting a termite on here, but it crawled up my pee hole, and got the taste of human bone. It created a master race of termites, and was a national epidemic. We just sold the movie rights. I also have a stack of CDs I glued together and I just force my penziis thru the hole here. If you really want to get extreme- you can have glass blown on your dickus, we have these mini beartraps, you can try vacuum hoses but there have been incidents of turning the cock shaft inside out. It looks pretty cool, its all veiny. Whats that? Is that a joke? I dont get it... blue balls? Mah hrm?
Developed by and Starring Senior Citizens: Soccer Porn
Unintentional Older Album Fridays are alright: Herjazz
Developed by and Starring Senior Citizens: Soccer Porn
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