Tyler came into that Chuck E Cheese for a birthday party. His previous experiences, other birthday parties, would have shaken any 6 year old to their core. Bigger kids in the ball pit, getting the gas and break confused during mario kart, women in mouse costumes. No, this was not Tyler's idea of fun. Yet here Tyler is. He is here for one reason, and that reason is tickets. Tyler Dunselberry had become somewhat of a legend around these parts. Being the first of his peers to hit anything higher than 20 point score on ski ball. He hit the dead center 50, not once not twice, but once and almost again. This brought young Tyler's ticket count up to 17. Seventeen. Let that sink in. 17 tickets was golf, he was buying fake bugs, flip frogs and erasers left and then right. Tyler was the popular kid. Tyler knew his friend's, Braden and Edgar, were jealous of his skills. He knew Sophie Chang, the girl of his naps, was so impressed and told her friends about it. He knew Vaco De Luce, the 8 year old who visited his Grandma that was Tyler's neighbor, would hear of his exploits and think he was cooler than the kid who didn't know what a virgin was. This was Tyler's time. This was Tyler's reason for waking up. This would be Tyl.... lanes are full? Shit I'm ganna go get me some of that whack mole action. Thanks dude, awesome party too.
its cool thanks: Iron Lemonade
your mousatche fell off: you're not really an inspector!