Yes, your Honor. My full name? Mushroom The Novidavidant. No, sir, its more commercial. Thank You Sir, pappreciate it... thats appreciation with paprika. Sorry sir, I'm bad at detecting sarcasm. Sorry sir, I know this is a serious matter, a serious matter without paprika. I agree your Honor, let's get this thing over with- I've got another
itch I need to
scratch, if you know what I mean.... Ha- hey judge! I mutter to myself under my breath too! We should definitely hang out as soon as I get outta here, I got the in at Houlihan's ever since this incident. (wow the judge seems really cool, even if they do find those bodies I bet he would understand, he gets me... o wait he's a she... I'd gristle her biscuit). The text message, her honor? What text message... for aren't all written messages in text? O the text message on the screen. What does incriminate mean? Fine. Al read it: "i just killed yr x-bf... he didn't die rite away so i jzt kept aimless. now lets meet up and do th sex on his dead body"..... aimless? I meant 'chokers'... t9, y'know?
Elementary School Election Platform Speech ripped off this track: Grindin' and Shakin'
Next great crayon color: The Beatles
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