MoMoM ! Breaking a paparazzi's locker for with his leg! I had this record for a week as per my yearly influential from the great Islaja and Lau Nau- two superstats whose period blood I imagine unlocks clogged locks. These women, now including that Rosenholm are Britney Spearzing their way into my butt, my heart butt. Superstats. O- girlilla has a bear covered this the other day- and I was like "dayum slam, I gotta beef that slow pony". I like a lot of melancholy music, because I truly am a horrid black, capitalist driven, glowingly sharp bubble of bent pesos and purses filled with stab wounds and nurses home phone numbers. I am a goo goo doll, I am salami made from finches' (the larry (of 3 stooges) of birds) meat, I am the bronx zoo crowd on summer weekends. I loved GOB from Arrested Development because, like him, I have an overwhelming feeling to please my father which is covered by my sluttiness and dick hearted ways. "Well, I'll start my own business. How hard can it be? Bzzzz! We'll see who bring in more honey (more buzzes)". So, in conclusion- more Arrested Development quotes and more focused bibble Bible humor on the album itself. This album has sancrity as cited by apostle Luke while he was brooked by the Romans. Brooked is a term, narely used today, but in 19th century England it was swingset fodder for sperm production. "At Risk Male Youth.... that spells army!" I didn't finish up strong. It's probably cuz you're such a pussy.
Impressionist Nomadic Vitatomic Fun Good Blast from the Past Melt in your Belt track: Pesulassa
Way to tell your mom you're pregnant: have the baby while she's pregnant with you
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