True Story: During the course of the work day, I partake in instant messaging with my wife. We mainly banter on about Eugene Levy, and dinner, and my faults, and John Water's faults (there is one: his harp playing). Anyhunk- I lie. Not now, but I lie... in bunches. During conversation, I referenced my Filipino Heritage, and how we look like monkeys, and find baby's sexy. So sexy, in fact, that we once elected a baby as President of the Philippines. She said "really" and I said "no, its just a movie- President Baby".... she believed this, and I kept saying "President Baby" because that concept is comical to me. After a chug-a-lug 14 minute span of believing that a movie President Baby exists, I confessed that she was of lesser intellexxx to believe this lie, as with most my lies, as with most my pricings, as with most my Static-X references. After an hour or so (or so? who am I, Santa's dick?)- my wife came back to me excited going- "OMG!, GGG!, OUJI-G!- look what I found: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_baby
I love my wife (more than Chris Rock loves being Black, more than Sarah Jessica Parker loves being young, more than a pedophile loves peeing, more than Cate Blanchett loves air, and more than Chris Rock loves peeing air when he was young and blacker on Pedo-Jessicate Blancher).
Inuit Teenager Rebellion Thrash Track: Never Let Go
Funniest Part of The Office Premiere: When my erection erected at ninety degrees
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