Sep 18, 2008

Factor - Chandelier

Where do giants get clothes? Seriously. Giants are usually the only giants around, usually secluded in a castle or on top yonder mountain frame. I mean if they lived with a bunch of other giants, in Giantapolis or Giantoolooka, they would just be normal sized folk (don't get me started on that one Ren and Stimpy episode about the littlest giant- its fictionalized- I mean a cat friends with a dog?!). So- the giant's clothes thing- they have to make their own, which is exemplary  (and sexemplary or t-rexemplary). They probably only have like 3 sets of clothes to, so giants must be quick at laundry and or make their wearing cycle last long. Coincidentally, I'd like to see a giant's bra and maybe even live in her cavernous vagina for a semester. Giants are scientific fact according to the Bible. Coincidentally- "Bible 2: Relax Your Holes"  was just a bunch of sexual positions and how tic tacs are replacing maracas and the warning that goes with such nipple tilts. I think my favorite giant would have to be: America's Institutionalized Glorifying the Anti-Hero as Relations to our Rapidly Increasing Child Obesity Rate (Holden Caufield you fucktard). O- Factor's got beats that 'beat' finish this sentence.

Religious Homemade Submarines Makers of Russian Influenced Alaska Anthem: Pray

Rhyme that could be used by a hardcore band on their 4th 7-inch this year: Hawk Cock

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