Surely, the table tops that thought of Dragons believe in evolution. So there must be like a chronologichrome of Dragon's breath, like they just started out having this warm swarthy breath that women used to get off to, then steam and that steam breath just annoyed everything and made flowers wilt and wrinkled the suits and nutsacks of medieval constitution writers, then possibly warm water, then jamie lee curtis AKA sssssssmoke, then fire. After fire? Lasers? No, thats dumb (in a gay way- like it has sex with answers of the same sex). After fire came Woody Allen screenplays then bandwidth which is where we are now. And seriously whoever thought of dragons, you could have done so much better by explaining the dragon's circulatory system or lung-abrossisius. Also does Shia LakeBuff still talk to anyone from Evens Stevens or does he just concentrate all his effort into making himself look edgy and hip. Like me! Like me? Like me. Like me; Also will Josh from Drake and Josh not care when he's super famous. Incidently here's how I imagine a conversation between Josh and I will go:
me: Give me the money! I ain't playing!!!
Josh: Yes, hello- who is there?
me: Josh, 1. I liked you better fat, 2. will you buy drugs off of me, 3. I wrote a sequel to "Full Frontal" (eds note: 2002 Soderbergh movie starring Duchovny) but where everyone's blind.
me: Josh, 1. I liked you better fat, 2. will you buy drugs off of me, 3. I wrote a sequel to "Full Frontal" (eds note: 2002 Soderbergh movie starring Duchovny) but where everyone's blind.
Josh: How old are you?
me: Almost 23.
Josh: Almost... like in 6 years.
me: Wow Josh you are as witty as you are witty, I'll untie you now.
OK. Pocahaunted makes music, get mirror mics and beast that you are while y're at it.
Pinstripe suits cryptically spell out chord progression to: Ghetto Ballet
Verizon Commercial that provoked interest: The one where they cure diabetes thru rape
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