I'm not one for carrying the America torch and make rolling hills out of the freedom we shove in the faces of billions of those poorer than us- but when I eat Froot Loops color by color and when only the blue loops, red loops, and white milk remain I get a "Sears" of pride. Anyhank, my ideal job. My ideal job would be to be a writer for the Flintstones. I would write for the Flintstones so hard. I'd write for the Flintstones during the 80s revival when they had that Addams Family, I'd write for any subsequent minimal thing to keep the Flintstones alive. I just wanna use all my creative eggs to turn modern things into rock themed things or names in rock theme names or animals into dino themed animals. Yea, that. I'd also like to crash airplanes.
Reclusive Flag Expert Theme Song: Set Up Apparatus
Grossest Thing to Fart: a half-attached braid
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