Time Allotment has wreaked its havoc (havoc all up in 'em) on many an established institution. For examples- museums close. Ha. Better example- the syndication of The Simpsons, where the cut out many a non-sequitar gag for time. Sideshow Bob and his epic battle with rakes is drastically cut to a point of gross incompetence of humor. I Love Lucy used to air on Nick at Nite with great foofarah and vigor, but once commercials needed more time to make other commercials look bad, they would cut scenes short and cut out before the laugh track even started. After those 3 examples, you can clearly see that everyone who has ever existed is effected by time allotment.
But who do we blame for time and its alloted amount? Ourselves? No- we are humans who do what we do regardless of doing is an actual thing. The sun? Sure, that's a start. But it technically didn't do anything, the earth is the one who rotates. I blame a combination of the Roman Empire and Ben Franklin. They were the ones 'smart' enough to put a label on things in order make life more organized, and thereby, through looking nothing up whatsoever, these two ding dongs invented a time system proved to be timeless. The are too blame when you see the roller coaster line says 'Hour and a Half Wait'. They are to blame for waking up in the morning. That's stretching it, but I am forced to stretch it since I have a certain time allotted to writing this entry. Which should be pretty soon depending upon how many interesting articles are on Gawker. Based on your opinion of Gawker- that was a clever dig or a well earned kudos.
In summation: when it comes to Time Allotment- "Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future" or "I just want to take it nice and slow (nowbabytellmewhatyouwanttodo)", either way- thanks for wasting yours here at Dumb Reviews.
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