Jun 2, 2010

Review: Bubble Play

Welcome to Dumb Review's theme week: 'Marketing Ice Cream Novelities'. Ice Cream is generally considered a treat, but getting us to buy a certain ice cream, well, that's a trick. Trick and Treat, so Marketing Ice Cream is basically Halloween's bastard older brother who picks you up at your date making smoochie sounds and then when you get to the car he drives away a little bit, then you go for the door handle again, he drives some more again, and this humiliates you. SO- today's topic: Bubble Play.

First off, the name. Oh the thought put into that name. They had a list of gum or ice cream related terms, and a list of baseball terms. This is likely the only one that came close to making sense. Fortunately the whole Bubble Play incongrati does not make sense.

One- I am pretty sure they tried making a chocolate turkey but couldn't decide what to use for the beak.

Two- their next door neighbor factory made gumballs, and had a surplus of baseball printed gumballs because they really thought they would sell.

Three- That ball is crazy disproportionate size. Unless your hand was as big as a frying pan. Unless your hand can cup three breasts on three different women at once. Unless your hand is a head. Or the ball is small, in that case you have to be really good at baseball to use it. What with vision and all. But that is the size of a bottle cap. I imagine this ball would be used in the Dominican or Haiti because they can't afford the full ball. Then the winner would get the gum. Makes sense, Haiti.

The rest of the numbers- A lot of ice cream for a little stick. You have to eat evenly. Rules when eating is no fun. You'd have to go finger, then finger, etc. The ball? Do you take it off? Save it for the end? Combine with the thick chocolate? Who cares about baseball this much to get their ice cream themed to show it? I imagine there is better chocolate options without a hard gumball. Chocolate and gum are hardly good together. And it is not even that cool unless this is the first time you have seen it. The novelty of this one wears of quite quick, mostly do to the fact that it doesn't taste great. Isn't ice cream novelty a cyclical process- take out the Bugs Bunny add Dora the Explorer, Sponge Bob still lasts because it has multiple colors and a face while Spiderman hangs on by a thread. And then they give us a brown hand with a gumball in the middle? There are so many choices, namely every, better than the bubble play. Torpedos, Choco Taco, Mega Missles, Wrestler themed bars, a whole litany of pop ups. But would I still eat it the bubble play if they were the cheapest option or one was found on the ground? Circumstantially still in the wrapper, not too melty- yes.

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