OK- it looks like she had a heavy flow AND nipple blood. HA de HA. Another- its as if fading out of black is Hugh Jackmad's beard is her dress. Thank you for drawing attention to your breasts so that we won't make jokes about your ass. Also there's a point in the bottom red part of the dress that says, "Marshall's was out of zebra print." I'm sorry, good luck, be more sassy.
But this brings to mind the real prejudice in this country: single dads. We have never had a single parent as president. What are you afraid of, America? Its not like these kids will go on and endorse Seven Up. Its not like they're in a band. Probably. I mean, a single president would only hit on small town journalists... or something.
But y'know perspective and communal tidings. Obamalama-ding-dong.
New Go-to joke: Obama's puppy
History's Laziest War: Jeremy Piven vs common sense
Why aren't more people talking about this!? The dress that is.
People are talking about the single president issue. They are making a movie starring Aaron Eckhart.
omg, I don't ever want bleeding boobs!
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