Nov 14, 2008

Fennesz - Black Sea

Scene from a men's locker room.

"how come we never listen to music in the locker room?" "I dunno, I guess we don't want to set a mood, just keep things neutral" "I could go for some Allman, y'know?" "Listen, Archibald, I can see just talking about music music is getting you excited, so now I'm not one for having music now" "so I'm excited, I mean I am, but So" "Archibald I can see your dozer" "What" "Archibald, your arch is balding" "say wah" "Archibald, your teenage mom is proud" "tah wah zah?" "Archibald, your child safety law is in effect" "Sniiiiii?" "Archibald, Wringling Bros. is in the borough" "I guy fin I?" "Archibald, you're stinky rollercoaster just got repaired, you're West Wing got more Martin SHEEN, you're lollipop just got tastier, you're erect penis wants to be in my mouth, your marriage proposal is longer, your sympathetic conglomerate nature is fighting the neo-crescent light rail to the trinquisitive road scouts on the angular modernity focus. Archibald, your dick is margot kidder" "Oh... Ohh, shit... well can you get one too, I don't want to be the only one pointing to venus" "fine,  lets just touch them together" "wow, yours is heavier than mine, whats your secret?" "i hang wifebeaters off of it" "man, i could chip a tooth on that thing!" "O Ma Gahd look! Its crowning"

The second track on this album: The Colour of Three

New Ironic non-ronic things to say to make you seem funny: Reference Blue Steel from Zoolander when someone looks at you 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
