Rolo Tomassi is the reason why I became a cop. Now that that's out of the way:
There are only a handful of words/causes/loots that can shift itself into a "-nomic"... for example- people still use Reaganomics to make stupid jokes about the 80s and childhood, or how I just invented Kremlinomics . That almost sounds real. But those are 2 examples of the zero times this can makes sense. Because -nomics isn't a cute way or creative way to purvey anything. I wouldn't call my favorite half of X-files Scullynomics, cuz it lacks any warp. If anything it falls flat on its ear ass because it didn't hear what I didn't say. And I'm not saying anything. "-nomics" is a tyranny depicted in films about eating where they play the health council's lover. I'm not saying saying things like deathwatchnomics to describe how much money you're paying for grandma to die with dignity. Or John Stocktonomics to describe the finiancial impact of the first time you masturbated to a man. What I'm saying is that words are better than that. Words like ipod and quarreler, staunch words that always ask to be skins in pickup games. Alright. I'm just pissed Dinomics, my pre-historic dinosaur children's financial show didn't get picked up. We said things like "nickels can buy you only one pretzel rod, and those will snap off in most orifices... stick with sticks kids! they're free and really make your curiosity scream!". The lead character was a Dilopasaurus named Total who was good at spitting number and her best friend was a slow but loveable prehistoric sow named Nardsuckle. TV, riiiight?
They don't make reverse shoes: Abraxas
Bedroom accessory for 2009: holes!
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