I found this picture when I typed in "Y'all Retarded" for google images. When I typed You're Retarded a picture for George W. Bush came up. Let it go America!
Let's just say this- saying retarded doesn't refer to the mentally handicapped. Mental Retardation does, but the actual word retarded is super slang. Just as a Black Eyed Pea and their hit song about getting retarded. They didn't care that their actual fans were retarded people who would enjoy that shit. Too easy.
Retarded means stupid. Stupid doesn't mean retarded. When I (I actually don't say retard or retarded, I'm too clever and attractive for that) say retarded I am implying that there is a level of ignorance so bad that it halts learning and is therefore literally a harsh stance taken on how stupid it is.
Stupid- everyone is stupid. Just today I couldn't find BBQ sauce at Whole Foods. I mean it was in an area not included with the regular BBQ sauce, and they didn't label the aisle for a refrigerated BBQ sauce nor did I know the coupon-ed BBQ sauce was refrigerated. That's a bad example. But I'm not THAT stupid. And heaven's sake I am not at all retarded. You know when you are stupid, you don't know when you're retarded. So maybe I am being retarded in saying as much? Or maybe you're retarded for agreeing as much or disagreeing or for even reading this?
Example: Americans who make fun of British accents and general stereotype British people because they think they have a leg up on them for simply being American--- that's pretty retarded. It's not elitism. I like elitism about certain cultural/technological/speurendoosical aspects. It helps the country grow. It's elitism based on not ignorance.
So what I am getting at: Saying Retarded (again: it's slang by now, no one uses other than slang) is a specific literal insult. It's a degree higher than stupid and shouldn't be used as haphazardly as high schoolers do, or as people who only know each other through instant messenger do, or how you're using it now. Think before you use words. Also when you use numbers. Or anything really.
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