Jul 9, 2010


First off, H. Jon Benjamin and Amy Poehler are Emmy nominees this year. Great terrific I love you you did it. Emmy's aren't a hideous a vacuum as I am making them about to be in the next paragraph. And they really showed it this year with nominations for Conan O'Brien's Tonight Show. But they still are a hot coal shoved inside our small crevices when it comes to pleasing the forward thinkers of the world.

I'm just a hard person to please, admittedly- so hold on some seconds: It's not about actual talent. Tim and Eric, though polarizing and fanboy friendly, really deserve nominations in special effects, make-up, and special class programing. Those are small categories and deserved categories, because I can't think of comedy series who has special effects to the extent of Tim and Eric. I mean they do deserve far greater awards than this, far far far greater, but I was being realistic.

And what they did to The Office! Best Actor and Best Series are a given, which is great and all, but No Rainn Wilson? It's been known I am guilty of overt-Dwight love, but no one from the show got supporting actor nominations, in a time where it is pretty important for them to establish someone. Am I worried? No. But yes I am. The Emmy nominators basically just said- you're kablooey without Michael Scott. And this was the year where Ed Helms was his most prolific and Jim had his best stories going on, and what did Dwight do not to get nominated?! Because rewarding a semi-original show because it calls back to more 'golden age' of television where families loved each other and had relatable characters in their show to an almost annoying level? That's a dig at Modern Family, and I can't believe Ed O'Neill isn't nominated. That one stems for forever ago when Top 5 character of all-time Al Bundy had no Emmy to speak of. That's what Emmy's do... make me mad and don't please me. No Tracy Jordan, No Ron Swanson, No Pierce Hawthorne, No whatever the characters on Bored to Death are called, No Ron from Party Down, No Fun.

Eh Whatever.

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