Jul 14, 2010

Review: Frankenhole, episode 2: (John) Thomas Jefferson

That's a link to watch Mary Shelley's Frankenhole, the new surrealist animation show from Dino Stamatopuolis and Fragical Productions. Now Dino is responsible for some of the best things ever on TV- Mr. Show, early Conan, Star Burns on Community, TV Funhouse, and Fragical's other lovinglt detailed and demented TV show Moral Orel.

Now there are so far 2 episodes of the series, and please: go watch them now. The first scene in the first episode, our first glimpses of Frankenhole, gave us Michael Jackson being raised from the dead by his Ed Hardy inspired son Blanket in a fit to be accepted for being an interesting person by his dad. This quickly establishes that nothing is going to be sacred, and nothing should be sacred, and sacred is a stupid word. Now let's check this episode two AKA the best thing on TV I saw so far this year.

The second episode is titled "(John) Thomas Jefferson" and involves Thomas Jefferson seeking out the new Dr. Frankenstein, who is a mad scientist genius, so that ol TJ can get a big black penis so his slave women wouldn't mind it so much when he rapes them. Please re-read that premise. We're deconstructing Patriots, Race, Slavery here and this is only the diving board. We still got a pool to swim in here.

I don't want to over-analyze the show too much, I'd rather let you watch it for yourselves. But I must take note of the perfect use of Barack Obama. Thomas Jefferson is looking through a history book, wanting to find the perfect black penis, and in a misguided attempt, he picks the most African sounding name- Barack Obama. Obama is portrayed as a modern man who is smart and dedicated to his country. He is not offended by Jefferson's racism, he offers his penis to Jefferson for the good of the country, he follows the ensuing plot playing the role of the voice of reason, and when a chorus of black celebrities rousingly sing "Don't let your women know you care" Obama (being the established non-cartoony straight man) and Wilt Chamberlain (being the not-all black people think this way) chime in to disagree. But who cares? Obama is only half-black anyway.

Frankenhole is getting away with some shit, guys. You need to watch this show and think about being offended and think how stupid it is being offended basically is. Mary Shelley's Frankenhole, let's watch your legacy unfold.

1 comment:

Nicole_Tee said...

This show has so much potential! I was first curious about the name, and wanted to see if Adult Swim was picking up something closer to the novel or something more like Moral Oral (keeping in mind the creator). Since I work graveyards at DISH Network I have to stream my TV programming from my Sling Adapter onto my Smartphone. I love that I still get to watch even though I’m not at home because there's nothing like a little Frankenhole in the dark ;)