This can either go 2 ways. Hire from within or replacement boss. Hire from within is the safer choice. And knowing The Office, it'll do just that. No big theatrics at Pam and Jim's wedding. Michael became boss again after the Michael Scott Paper Company. Things happen organically and real in The Office, so it's a safe bet to assume they'll promote from within. But this: What if they don't!
It's risky. So deliciously risky. Spin City did this, but c'mon- Spin City sucked. Bringing in a new face to replace Michael Scott? That is the equivalent of the guy who said he was messiah right after Jesus woke up and went home. To a more relatable degree- Megan Mullally is great on Party Down, but there was still Jane Lynch shoes to fill. You don't watch that show? Well- ER after Clooney, or NYPD Blue after pants. I know I lost you but- imagine if they brought in a name to replace a name- imagine anyone really: Whoopi Goldberg, Terry Bradshaw, Edgar Winter---- those actually sound kind of fun. Which can bring the point of 'they would bring in someone fun': ROB CORDDRY? ROB RIGGLE? TOMMY WISEAU? ANYONE FROM THE STATE? Matt Walsh did audition for the role, ya know. But man, I wouldn't want to wish the comparisons on those guys, no matter how great they are. Too risky. Just because someone is jumping ship, doesn't mean the boat is rocking.
No, hire from within. There is plenty of fun speculation there. The obvious answer is Jim. And we all should assume he'll get that. BUT WHAT IF HE DOESN'T. Oh, Dwight, I wish and hope and hope to wish. It could happen. If they ignore his 2 strikes (for starting a fire and for harvesting the CPR dummies organs) and forget his general creepiness. Pam? Michael might get to pick his successor, and he owes Pam one for going with him to the Michael Scott Paper Co. (two if you count sleeping with her mom). Daryl? Sure I like that one. Hope it happens. It won't because he is black, but Daryl is great. Creed has most seniority. Gabe Louis? He's already ahead of that job. And lest we forget, Kelly Kapoor is in management training? Print in All Colors indeed. She already is a break out character, and I for one would love to see her in less empty headed-ness. Plus she has Ryan. But Mindy Kaling has that other TV Show deal? Man, I don't know. You can literally play this game, and imagine someone in charge. It's pretty fun, and we will likely get to do it all 7th season.
In The Office on the BBC, Brent was canned, and Gareth was left in charge. We never got to see much of Gareth in charge, because the British Office is way too good of a show to sell itself out in the least bit. There is precedent set, but fuck that. The Office can literally do anything at this point, because they have the writer's to justify what takes place. Trusting a TV Show guys, believe in your TV show. Hope springs eternal.
But to end this speculation and to take a stand on something to make this a concrete blog entry- my choice as the post-Michael Scott boss on The Office: Bring in the new boss. It'll be catastrophic and that's exactly what this show needs. Concentrate on everyone else, and make the new boss a B story. Give the job to Chris Elliott who created the man-child schtick without feeding into his emotions, and rather concentrate on the goofiness. I just love Chris Elliott. He would just ruin that show for everyone other than me. Which would be great. For me.
In final conclusion, here is a list of people I haven't said yet that should also be seriously considered: Scott Thompson, Maria Bamford, Bruce Campbell, Leo Allen, David Cross, Brian Stack (was actually a Buffalo branch employee), Vincent D'Onofrio, John Cameron Mitchell, Tim Meadows (also was in The Office already), Rowdy Roddy Piper, Hank Azaria, Andy Blitz, Paul Dinello, or make Vikram boss. This is the worst game ever therefore also the best game ever through reasoning.
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