Jul 5, 2010

Review: Progress

Thank goodness for medical advances, right? I mean with cancer and diabetes and AIDS and autism and bird/swine flu's and a host of medical diseases of reasons people are dying or dying slower from, medicine is keeping the fuck up.

Imagine if we actually took care of ourselves: Didn't eat so many chemicals, didn't microwave so many chemicals, and weren't subjected to such sexxy advertising to chocolate laced with sugar and glucose... If we (re: Wisconsin et al) just decided to be healthy instead of football fans (too low) then we could make even better general progress and depend less on medicine.

Oh medicine is the best, don't get me wrong. Please take medicine if you need it. But I'm saying- progress should be measured in life expectancy. Part of enjoying life is living life, and living life longer means enjoying life more. Now life expectancy has risen every year. BUT it has risen steadily. No big leaps to find anywhere. If it were real progress, we'd be making huge leaps all the time. Instead- medicine and technological advances are doing the heavy lifting for us. If we were on the same page as them, then what's the end cap- living to 150? 200? Who the fuck knows! Its science. We should help it out by being more healthy and less lazy and less dependant on technology, and let them concentrate on more important things. Right? More life, better living- sounds good- sounds too good.

1 comment:

Casey said...

We're smart, but not THAT smart