Perhaps, I've never talked about the Simpsons too much out of respect and reverence. But who does that? They are so rich and deep in character that most people don't like them anymore. The Simpsons is a gold standard, and the viewing audience has seen gold for 20 years. It's just a little airborn- it's still good. That being established- I'd like to talk about a seldom used facet of Simpsonia- The Simpson's Basement. In the real life Simpson's house, they did not bother to build a basement. Why not? The basement has served many a function. A place where Homer can brew beer without the watchful eye of Rex Banner, store their giant tiki head Xtapolapocetl (a gift from Mr. Burns), hold old TV guides, the secret lair for Pie Man, Marge's sanctuary when she had agrophobia (pictured abovely), a place where Bart invites homeless men to sleep (in spite of the radon gas leak, a place to hide a sauna, and basically where Marge does laundry (and where Bart used to race the laundry machines). Homer's tool are down there, but he is more keen on working in the garage. Homer does use the basement to bat around a lightbulb that hangs there to keep him sane after giving away multi million dollar greyhounds. A hanging lightbulb and laundry. Talk about lower upper middle class. They can't afford a nice basement, but they don't really use it anyway (they have had a ping pong table at times, also some nuclear waste and paint cans (not as much as Ol' Painty Can Ned though). It's just a basement. A seldom used basement. It speaks more to the fact that this family watches TV rather than re-do a basement that is prone to flooding, is poorly ventilated, and is a D'oh to clean. Sometimes the door to the basement is a closet door, and sometimes it's a basement door. Either way, homer falls down the steps when there is no light bulb in it because Bart used it to hatch eggs of a bird he killed at Nelson's house using a gun with crooked sight.
See- The Simpsons are about the reference and the trail to go off of. Why? Because they are hilarious. There was deeper meaning in the more satirical days of seasons 4 thorugh 8, but now its just The Simpsons continued legacy of brilliance. And I love the Simpsons. I just talked about their basement.
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