Penny priest shoves a dollar in his million man march scars after slicing them open with discarded tennis ball shards after they were tested by being run over by roller coasters (fact: speed a roller coaster needs to half a tennis ball is 96 mph, the same speed in which a penguin beak can be used a dart), his hair- the intern of is body- cross referenced his face and accidently made the mating signal for robins and the Slavic 'check please' signal- needles to say (HA!) the Slavic robins didn't notice, however the Slavic bird impersonator noticed (trying to impress a dean of students) but open acting- he tripped over and unplugged the computer plug, losing the data for the coast guard survey- will he ever know if he is fit to be a coast guard? will he ever know that much about coast guards? will he get the free quesadilla counter he was promised after clicking the banner ad? All this and more at 11. (does this place take credit cards?)
Cut Backs The Musical: Sex Prayer
Season 2 of Flight of the Concords: Oh Yeah?
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