When I was your age- time was written on dogs in a cage. One was released every minute with a dog catcher catching the minutes passed dogs. This was a great system, proving to be too easy so they started letting out the dogs in different parts of the town making the time dog catcher's job even more eventful. It was a spectacle to witness. The system went debunk after he couldn't catch 2:44 pm one day and everyone kept thinking it was 2:44 pm. Turned out 2:44 pm was making its business with 11:07 pm and were found at 11:34 pm with 7:18 pm and the corpse of 2:50 pm. Still was a good system. Unless the time dog got wet. The times were written on the released dogs in washable marker, and sometimes if a dog wasn't caught within its designated minute the time would rub off or be smudged. If it was rubbed off the dog was free to go. This caused a lot of doubling up dogs with times. The towns folk would be confused and say "why is 1:18 out at 4:47?" If a time dog became smudged, he was put down because of poor work. Still was a good system though. When clocks became the standard, we just tied a whole lot of them to the time dogs and let the dogs roam free. The problem with that was our clocks were crudely made and usually started a fire on the dogs who were mobile enough on fire to spread it even quicker than wildfire. Thats why we use the term, 'spread faster than a time dog fire.' Its also why there are so few people in this town. 'Cuz of all the time dog ghosts haunting the village. Also- we don't keep track of time anymore.
The Smell of Marble to Marbles: So Insane
What I Stand for: Chairs
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