Saint Peter: "So Farrah, you made it to heaven- congrats, you'll fit right in here. That was a Charlie's Angels joke. But wow, to be honest, its really amazing to get such a cultural icon as yourself. We have a lot of fans of yours here in heaven and I just want to say that you are a.... sorry, excuse me... what? No! You serious? This is a joke c'mon. I'll believe it when I see it... Sorry about that miss Fawcett it was just... excuse me again... what now? OK ok, someone else just tried pulling that one on me... Geez Farrah, I apologize. I mean someone of your stature shouldn't be subject to these constant interrup-- Oh my, yes God... I understand sir... Of course, God... he'll really be here shortly?... HE'S COMING NOW?! OH MY YOU, OH MY YOU! I see him now Lord, AHHHH! MICHAEL! MICHAEL!..... Oh go ahead in lady.
You Know What Caleb: Charmaine Champagne
DeJuan Blair: have at em, big boy
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