I think we solved the energy crisis today. Celebrity icons pass away and we should all just concentrate on that. WHAT A LOVING TRIBUTE. Rib-ute would be a good night at Ruby Toosdoos. They can just have ribs shaped in the shape of loved family members. Women's Rib-eration: Woman can enjoy ribs together. That seems plausible. Why'd I leave that one so vague. I could of took it places, but just saying it and leaving it dumb was good. Why did I acknowledge that? Was it beautiful? Is that a question I should be asking? What did Bad Company sing? Is that a question I should try answering? Should I try and focus in on something. To reign in the LIGHT (foreshadowing). When America lets itself down by showing emotions- who should we turn to. When Tony brings a girl home but is messing things up who do we as Tony turn to? Who should we still be lucky to have, that encompasses the musical talents and introverted showmanship that was Farrah Fawcett with the flowing hair and 70s sex appeal that was Michael Jackson? Who is someone that you scrolled down already and saw? Who is someone that I saw today and laughed for about 10 hours? I mean you drive your car and you hit seed bumps and you think to yourself, what is this red liquid that burst out of the speed bump and why did the speed bump scream and why are there speed bumps on the beach. There are fat people dying all the time, and they are the ones affecting how you are going to be buried since they take up more room. Where was I? Oh right- Ladies and Gentler Men, Judith Light:

Angela Bower could have possibly been the Boss
Transformers: Cut the Cake
Good Day in the NBA: probably.
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