Thats just a great ocean. It has all the qualities I love in an ocean: wet, adjacent to land, part irish, doesn't finger stain from cheetos, is free, overweight but proud, stuck on the vest fad, chews gum slowly, sits with their knees tucked in, boyfriends, gets away with murder, can take a punch, can take a scissor stab, smells like cigarettes, great debater. I once saw this ocean make a spanish omelet with only 1 egg and some old chap stick. This ocean houses more missing people than your pussy ocean. This ocean graduated from over 16 dog obedience schools. Maybe ocean's born with it, maybe its maybeline. This ocean conquered the space king Zarthaneon in the year 560 AD. This ocean irons diapers and was the first woman with a short haircut. This ocean. This ocean. This ocean.
Know Your Product: No More Pirates
Medical Dramas: Nice Try
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