Mar 4, 2010

Review: The Truth

The truth is that I didn't want to write about the truth. The truth there is that, while it did feel good to get that off my chest, I don't feel set free. Larger truths set you free. Like if you keep a secret to yourself for more than 4 years. That'll set you free. So the truth about truths are that they are truer after being hidden. Well, the truth is, I made this up and am no expert on truth. I simply know what it is, and that is a universal truth. Telling the truth lies in the telling which then lies on the person- so that is a personal truth. So I am a person, making this a personal truth that I am telling is universal truth. As you read this and this is shared on the internet, this is becoming a social truth. Because I am telling the truth. I wouldn't lie in a post about truth. I would- so that is a lie. So the whole system is undermined. The truth is that no one person has the truth figured out. They have some of it figured out, but not the whole truth. So help the god.

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