Mar 31, 2010

I'm Upset: why isn't PFFR sweeping the nation?

Shut up for a second. I'm not going to simply recant the jokes and comic foibles of Wonder Showzen, Xavier: Renegade Angel, and Delocated. I am not that stupid. People say of Monty Python that they were groundbreaking and doing things on TV that have never been done before. Yes they did and it was great and most people simply shot under that bar instead of going over it. PFFR go over the bar while taking the bar down and re-shaping into a form not yet revealed to us because we, as an unswept nation, don't deserve to know it yet. Why'd I invoke Python? So I can draw another comparison. Where Python had a knight hitting characters with rubber chickens, PFFR speeds that up to the point down the line where the knight recoils in his own murderous chicken slapping and decides to become entrenched in his life choice and goes on a chicken slapping rampage. Or the wouldn't and do something better. Because they know what is funny because they know how to amuse themselves. In a bit of Howard Stern, who is still wonderful at finding the amazing next level entertainment capabilities of homeless people and common man on the street, PFFR go next level with man on the street interviews using kids or the guise of a children's show. They so much as don't let the fire burning be the show, as much as throwing the gas on it is or setting subversiveness into it. And with a show like Xavier: Renegade Angel where usually a sitcom gives you a break in the action, the show simply advances with every line. And each line in itself is a jewel to behold. The show literally forces you to watch it multiple times. They created a show that you have to watch and love in order to watch and love it. HOW GENIUS IS THAT! OK- ok. I am not making sense, and I am just telling you to watch something. But as far as original thought and furthering the development of comedy and thinking are concerned- PFFR take chances. In bad taste, but in bad taste to make you think what bad taste really is. Is it bad taste even if it is still clever? What is defines 'bad' and where does that bleed into good? Why am I asking so many questions during a TV show when I can simply let the show go on? Who are we if we are not always bettering ourselves? Answer: we are the country that rewards Jon Cryer for not being Charlie Sheen in a show with a catchy name. The only way to get better is to allow things to be better. Give every single Emmy to PFFR. In 20 years if we are not where we are now, then holy shit does everything suck. This wasn't meant to be poetic or remotely close to articulate. I'm upset at this. Tim and Eric has some lame fans and they have a movie coming out. So at least that. But please, please, buy and watch Wonder Showzen, Final Flesh, any episode of Xavier, and Delocated, and continue to be ashamed of yourself for not helping out Totally for Teens. I'm still upset. More on this at some other time.

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