Mar 24, 2010

Review: Helping out in an emergency

"Is there nothing we can do?"
"We can stand her up for one thing."
"Let me rephrase that- is nothing something we can do?"
"Nothing is never something, if that's what you mean."
"What I meant by nothing was nothing and by something I meant the option of nothing"
"By explaining that, you have done something, so now nothing is out of the picture."
"So now the picture is nothing, or is there something still in the picture?"
"Nothing is another picture itself, we have something here, but what we have we chose to ignore in order on to carry these exact thoughts thereby becoming the picture that we presently are in."
"I was hoping for someone else to come along during the time in which we said this."
"Now that you said that out loud, we now have to either continue to distract ourselves with stating things that are going on, much like I am doing right now, or we can help this person, from which I can tell neither of us want to judging by the context of this very conversation as means to serve as a distraction. For which forth I am in."
"I say we should help her out after we finish this conversation that we're in."
"So are you ending the conversation?"
"No, I am just saying there will be an end to this conversation, and at that point we should help this women. I am not saying this conversation isn't important, we should definitely finish this conversation at the appropriate time."
"What is more important, the health of this woman or the length of this conversation? The 2 have now become entangled within each other and now when we think of this woman, who is in need of help, I will think of you and the conversation in which we chose to distract ourselves."
"I have enjoyed this time together. Be it at the expense of the health of this woman, but still we had intent. Denying the intent, would be denying this conversation, would be denying any acknowledgements we have made of this woman."
"And who is to say that this conversation, and our conversations together, can even be directly applied to this woman? Maybe this exact conversation was for another injured person, say at a coffee shop over coffee, or in bed after sex."
"We'll never know unless we go there. The people who are supposed to be here would've helped this woman out already. Helped her out off camera. We're in their way just by continuing to stay here then."
"Let's go.... you know what? I'm proud of us."
"I'm proud of most of us. Mostly me."
"I'm proud of you too."
Both men kiss each other on the forehead simultaneously as they turn to walk away.