Mar 29, 2010

Review: Suicide Letters

The best way to understand a suicide letter is to read a suicide letter's suicide letter if it were capable of writing one:

Dear world,

World? Is that how I qualify my angst? The best I can come up with is world? I'm a suicide letter so you'd think I'd see some pretty good openings, but I am writing a suicide letter so please forgive for not trying as hard.... and this is why. I feel so much pressure in my life. Am I supposed to justify or am I supposed to be a window to the soul or am I even supposed to be spell checked? Sure there were moments I flirted with fame. But there were others times I felt rushed or felt like I should've been placed in a more well lit place. But, boy, have I grown. What I hope to get out of my own death? Well, the end of suicide notes. No more sad reminders or blame placed inaccurately. Now we'll see that its not the suicide letters fault at all, and people will just let their crushing weight overtake them? Is that what I do? There are so many different facets to my personality that, I just gave up reading into myself. It's not like I'm going to stop suicide by committing suicide, it's more like I'm going to challenge it. Raise the bar. Then they'll remember suicide notes for good.

Obvious ending statement,
Suicide Note (Suicidey the Note)

There we have it! Suicide Notes sure aren't as stable as we thought, huh kids? Well, I hope your suicide note at least has a crossword or a jumble, something to ease the pain. But don't forget ol' suicidey's message: you're crazy and selfish- but that doesn't mean we don't love you in a certain way. Bye!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm interested in Suicidey's take on the Fake Suicide letters, ala "World's Greatest Dad"