Star Wars? Star Wards is more like it! That's not pertinent to anything, just an opening line. Mace Windu is the Samuel L. Jackson character of Star Wards. To a geek who might only read this blog because one of the tags is Star Wars, this is an offensive description. But to people who have only seen the prequel Star Wars stoned, this is ample description. Sammy Jackson was already established as the actor who was basically in everything, and here he uses his Kangol hat intimidation to land himself a role in the greatest franchise in movie history. Did he add anything to these movies? No. No one did. These movies suck. Well he was black in them. He also was a welcome distraction from paying attention to plot, allowing the audience to remember better movies he was in. So, sorry if you are waiting for me to talk about anything related to Mace Windu or Star Wars, but what do I care? Is it my responsibility as a reviewer to make sure the each overtly tedious aspect about a science fiction character is covered? Yes, if I was a good reviewer. However this is a dumb review focusing more on the "Samuel L. Jackson was in Star Wars? Eh." aspect of Mace Windu. The fact that he is Samuel L. Jackson, Coach Carter himself, and he lent his good name to something that didn't need a good name because they have what Space Balls parodied. Were they really trying to separate the 2 sets of 3 movies that much as to bring in Shaft 2000? Or does Samuel L. Jackson just walk onto movie sets and they give him a role because why wouldn't they? I am cool with that. Really I am. I don't mind seeing a bald black man, a pre cursor to the Jheri curled black man of Lando Carlisisisan, have a presence in a movie about aliens fighting if the reason behind that is the actor playing him is just a really cool guy who was also opposite Emilio Estevez in a parody movie of Lethal Weapon. Now this review is basically references to the career of Samuel L. Jackson to illustrate a point of him being bigger than Star Wars at that juncture in his career. That's an opinion I have to state obviously. The character of Mace Windu was a high ranking Jedi and probably was head of the council. He hung out with Yoda a lot. So, maybe in 50 years, when his work as the voice of Frozone, Ordell Robbie, or the guy eaten by the Shark in Deep Blue Sea become less relevant, and geeks still watch Star Wars- then this will make sense. Protecting your investment, Samuel L. Jacks. Another smart move on your part.
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