Feb 1, 2010

Milk, just like Doug Martsch

Talk about white on white violence! Seriously it is something we should talk about.

Not the metaphor. The actual tears created by the realness of having milk and then having that milk ruined by touching something other than a container through an accident and becoming unusable. Crying Over Spilled Milk. Waaah! Like that. Like that waah. Crying over spilled milk shouldn't be advice giving out or a lesson learned. It should be an excuse to cry. Why? Because then simply add some almond pulp to your tears and now you've got a replacement milk! Don't be dumb- think outside a box. I would never go inside a box to think. I don't think this even applies to me because I don't like milk. Hmm. It is used a lot in cooking, and we buy soy or rice milk which is more expensive. But that's adding words to a saying I don't already say. "don't go crying over soy or rice milk". Nothing doing. It's a good choice of words- over. Over the spilled milk. I imagine a house wife, about 6'1" 130 pounds, standing on top of a fresh pile of floor milk, while wielding an expensive knife she bought off the TV, flailing it wildly as she cries and screams, "You were right, Mother! I never had it in me to hold milk! To hold milk the way you did! Are you happy?!" and then her mother's ghost would appear in the milk and say "why are you wearing a skirt when you are home alone? I can see your knickers, Deirdre." Then the housewife stabs the floor repeatedly. Her husband then comes home, drunk off his ass. "Honey" he'd call her, "I need some milk based food." What will she do? Will she take her anger out on him? Will he cry and relate to her on a spilled milk level? Will they go to Dairy Queen? I thought you said this wasn't about the saying? In closing, there is some use in crying over spilled milk- if I saw someone crying over spilled milk I would totally forget about the milk being spilled and make fun of that person's fragile state because there is no use in crying over spilled milk. Or we can all use a milk vacuum and only drink spilled milk. The Milk Vacuum: for people who want to eat their lesson! That should hold you.

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