Feb 25, 2010

Review: A Cigar Box

A container, re: box, whose intentions are to hold cigars for keeping. I would think a cigar vault, or cigar glass case would do the trick. But throughout history, we have, er someone has, trusted their cigars to a box. Nothing wrong with that, boxes are great and they can withstand some water. But the beauty of the cigar box is in its most simplest attribute. The name itself- cigar box- is wonderfully constructed. The soft c making an s sound followed resoundingly by a harsh G and R. ci-GAR. If you add the ette to it, it makes the whole package smaller and more dainty. But left alone we are left with a champion of a word- cigar, which we follow up with a mouth widening box sound. Two booms after a soft c opening. Cigar Box. Box as a word is very plain and drums up nary an emotion. When coupled with cigar it has a whole new meaning and a definitive shape. Cigar box. No weight of the world crashing down, no demonstrative clinging, just a cigar box. Ernie's friend Bert kept his paper clips in his, while Grandpa Simpson kept a gun in one. The range of the contents of a cigar box are boundless, but the outside, the first glance- you are cigar box. You are intrigue. You have cigar.

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