Feb 12, 2010

Reviewin': a review about a review about a review about a review

The picture by now! Get it? I do. The review yesterday came from the heart. So did the day before that which that addressed in the review yesterday. But there are different ends to different hearts. There is a space between those two ends where you should slide yourself into and hammer your shoes in with comical nails and sound effects. A review is what you think about something in a voice your comfortable saying something in. That is what we were trying to achieve here. To learn something about yourself. While part of you can be proud, part of you can be disappointed and other parts can think what they will what those parts think. There is no rule on how to think, therefore there is really no rule on how to review, other than to simply review. You went over this- it wasn't deep, you went over that- it tried to be deep. That's what it was then. I can say that because I can review that. It's simple and it shed's its meta-coat. The balance of voice can do that. If you would like to know my personal struggle, it was within being nice, being reasonable, wanting to be mean, and not caring. There is something to take out of each of those. I'm just writing it down so to not forget to take something from each of those. I am capable of experiencing more than one emotion at a time. Because not allowing myself to grow into other feelings and thoughts, isn't growing up. And goodness knows I have some growing up to do. And Gladys knows I have some throwing up to poo. It's called diarrhea and I've been taking Kirkland Signature's Loperamide Hydrochloride which is really a name I wish I made up. To find such stagnant nature in medical terminology as to create a fake name believed to be real is a goal considered set. But I digress. Reviewing a review about a review about etc. for however long I did it was an exercise in where can I go with something that challenging, the result wasn't that far. The high road taken would've been dissecting each review line by line, and then doing that again so that the review you are dissecting line by line is a review you dissected line by line. But you're not as good as Fire Joe Morgan. At least you know you want to be as good as them. At least you know when to stop? Eh sure.

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