Jan 29, 2010

A review of what I'm going to do on this blog in the future

This is not a review of a better tomorrow. This is a review of what will be. I'm going to try something. This review is telling you what it is and reviewing what it is- and it is something I am trying. It could take its toll, but they will be reviews. And how much toll do reviews take? You disagree with it, disagree with it, or just notice it. I don't mean to be neutral, but this is in the future. It's an undertaking. Also this is a pre- of it and maybe having this already starts it. But this isn't it. This is a review of it before it ever happens. It's not happening next week. No. Probably the week after that. Don't hold any words to that. But I'm going to predict, just what it will be, will be, just what it is. Someone is going to think its stupid, someone is going to think its stupid after awhile. Hopefully, some will think the opposite. Most won't care. Me? I'm looking forward to it, which is the best part.

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