Feb 5, 2010

The Legacy of Tim and Eric

This, right here, is the only sentence to remind you about the just as amazing Tom Goes to the Mayor.

Tim and Eric's 5th and final season of Awesome Show, Great Job! debuts this Sunday night. It's not official, it's the final- just assumed. Assumed because I hope it is. Listen, I love Tim and Eric, and Awesome Show, Great Job! is a crowning achievement of the thought process. It ushered in a new era of comedy. One of concentrating on detail and reveling in parody. I am simply ecstatic at the prospect of their future. 50 episodes of Awesome Show are more than enough. Each season darker than the next. Tim and Eric don't fit into being described as weird, as that word doesn't begin to encapsulate the choices Tim and Eric have made. These 2 men were given a show where the could do anything they wanted, and with it, they chose to make polarizing humor based around public access parody, and subtle word play. I actually am tired of describing this. So example-fy: Eric takes too much wait mate, a drug designed to eliminate waiting, and is in a catatonic state of drugged up haze. Zan, the wait mate cure, is here to help Eric remember his life. Zan takes Eric to Tim's party, the reason why Eric took wait mate. Now here is the genius. That plot, hilarious enough with Jeff Goldblum parodying prescription drug commercials and Zan's remembering song and Eric's pleas of not being able to wait, is added depth by detail. For when Zan meets Tim, Zan's little moment of being caught off guard by shaking hands and saying , "yea ok" gives the audience such an in-depth look at Zan. Isn't he used to meeting people or is shaking hands simply just that weird to him? The answer to that question is: That's hilarious. Another great example is the run of guest stars they get. If you were famous enough and wanted to really push your comedic ability, you were on Tim and Eric's Awesome Show. Forte, Bamford, John Mayer- all bring their A game. The shining example, and the solidifying factor that he is king of 'man-child' acting, is Dr. Steve Brule played by John C. Reilly. This is so funny and the laughs come from some many aspects, that I refer to exemplary characters in movies as that actor's Steve Brule. For example- Julianne Moore's Steve Brule was Maude Lebowski. This is a title reserved for only the most important performances. Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job really offers such a depth of creativity, one liners, and visual jokes- that I just had to end this sentence this way. I feel talking about Tim and Eric only serves as not doing them justice.

So with that, I say that Tim and Eric will be around for awhile. They are respected comedians with such artistic integrity that working with them already validates an actor. They will have movies to much cult success. They will do other projects of cult success. That cult will only grow. It already is huge enough, but once modern humor shifts to a path blazed by Awesome Show, Tim and Eric will already be ahead of them. Ladies and gentlemen, this is like Monty Python in 1970. (I know I just dropped the Python bomb, but what other genre breaking, get away with anything show exists that came out of nowhere). We are in the midst of a renaissance of humor. One that capitalizes on what we think to ourselves, one that doesn't sell out from what it can achieve, one that when copied- isn't funnier- but still funnier if it weren't done the way that steals from Tim and Eric. I can't express how sad I am to see a show where James Quall is mined for every aspect of gold he offers. And yes, there is already a sadness in that, Tim and Eric have become such high figures of absurdist thinking. But then we have to remember: they have never disappointed us. They are still young men. They still can do whatever it is they want to do. The prospects are reason enough to get up in the morning. Tim and Eric, you have given me everything I want of current comedy- a goal to achieve. Your confidence in your abilities is legendary. Thank you and welcome to living eternally.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think オテモヤン meant that T&E doesn't premiere until 2/28