Jan 18, 2010

Present and After Presents, Genus: Musa

I wanted a picture of texture, but instead I found a whole box.

When you like banana Now and Laters, you kind of get shit on. Shit on so much that a weak willed person would no longer like banana Now and Laters out of frustration. Liking a banana Now and Later is liking only the banana Now and Later. It is a commitment. Why? Because no one likes the banana Now and Laters. That's exaggerating, but artificial banana in general has always been the Rutger Haur of artificial flavoring. I didn't spell his name right? Hauer? Ok. Rutger Hauer. I like the banana now and later, suffice to say- I like all the now and later family of flavors. They are good people. But since I like the yellow banana enough, it is my duty to eat all the banana for my friends and acquaintences. Can't slow them down! Can't slow them down with banana, no. They revel in the fruit punches and cherries of the world, while I in my unique perspective continue to dwell on banana. Dwell? NO! Its called taking one for the team. I don't mind banana, so I'll clear a path for you. A banana now and later free path (yea I just noticed I quit capitalizing now and later too). Its fine, I'll think fondly of apple. But we're friends, and I got your back. I don't want you to eat an banana now and later because you have to. Enjoy yourself. Just remember what I did for you this day. This is my legacy. Hold close, dear reader, hold close.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You'll be on a higher level then I, in Heaven.