Jan 26, 2010

12 pats on 6 backs

The first image on Google images, therefore I explained it

Narcissism. An example of narcissism is saying a one word sentence to start your blog entry like you are all hot and no shot. Another is using the guise of narcissism to talk about your own blog. You see, narcissism has now led me to take things more seriously with this blog, which basically means spell checking and trying to make sense for you, the reader. Now narcissism can be used for evil, ie Lex Lugar's first character in the WWE (WWForever) who was called the Narcissist and was featured in the Royal Rumble game for Sega. He also claimed to have had a metal bar in his arm and had to cover it up because it was considered a foreign object (the epilogue here is that he went on to body slam Yokozuna with patriotism and knocked him out at Summer Slam- wrestling, right?)- but as Mr. T taught us to use our narcissistic ways in a more focused way: to look good, to know our roots, to love out mother, and to use it appropriately when challenged by others to destroy them. Mr. T fails to realize that you should be doing things to benefit others rather than just where gold chains in front of them. Am I too hard on T? No, because my narcissism lies in only getting this blog entry out of the way. Therefore no pity, no fool. I hope we cleared things up. I also hoped we framed it, and put a copper based heating system around it with signs warning not to touch. That's the dream.

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