"He likes to make the poster first and then work backwards from there."
Reviewing something new makes it seem more reviewable. That is a fact. How do you know that. I followed my sentence by with the another sentence stating its factuality. That is a fact. So keeping this fun and functioning fact in mind- let me tackle the open field wide receiver that is Youth in Revolt. Let's set it up- we always root for Michael Cera, who is to quirky awkward teenager what Lapso Apso is to awkward quirky dog. Who cares, he was great in Arrested Development, so you get to hang as many sliders as you want kid. And he hasn't been bad in those roles and those movies haven't been god awful, so now we give him something he can sink his indie cred teeth into. I mean look at this poster. Look at that face. We are at the pinnacle of marketing that face. It is all down hill from here in that faces marketing. Youth in Revolt is going to make him Guitar Hero or just another easy setting playing the same beginner level songs. More set up? Yea- good point. They have given Michael a modern cult novel where he has to play duel roles and take the lead in stringing together a series of misfit characters. Now the cult novel part- talking about setting up for failure. Staunch advocates of said book are probably either A- classicly say the book is better, and/or B- not see the movie. Ouch. Being a fan of the book, I saw it- so that leaves me at an A. Detail. Love the detail of Youth in Revolt, which is all but cut out because you know- movies. Regardless, Michael Cera was given a hell of a supporting cast here. The Mighty Buscemi, Fred Willard, Zach G, Jean Smart, Paul Hogan, the car from Knight Rider, 12 cases of raw sugar cane... All of whom were freakishly underused. Freakishly. Like the movie was sort of demented and scary for not using such talents more. But this is all about my fair Michael, who acts ably along the heavyweights here, putting the movie on his shoulders and even within his dual character scenes- out acts himself! Wow. So as a movie, not bad at all thanks to the story focused tempo by Miguel 'You've my attention" Arteta. So I'm not worried about Michael Cera anymore, no more complaining about him or his more success than I'll ever see even though we're the same age. He's going places. I don't know what places, because I'm fairly certain this movie won't be a huge success. It was around the C+ area, but holy fuck did the marketing kill this movie. So if you see the movie, please don't read the book or remember the preview. Also leave a trail of your hair and blood to become '1' with the places you have stepped. Ended.
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