Stay with me on this one: I'm reviewing watching Cheers Randomly
Not a specific episode, (but I'll contradict that later), not 'in general', but a more in general in general. The flipping through TV when nothing is on and you see Sam Malone in tight jeans and a tie for some reason and wonder what's up with him? The review is lying more in that decision to stay tuned. Break it into digestible pieces? Why do we want to stay on this Cheersnnal (Chan-eers)? Because we were told Cheers is a great show. That is what was passed down to me as a young man, that Cheers is a more than capable sitcom full of memorable characters and it had a baby and called it Frasier. I was alive and functioning more for Frasier and saw all of its critical success- so Cheers to me (me- slender, good looking, bad looking (eye sight wise), versed in the succession of sitcom pantheon glory, and, most importantly, stoned) is a breathing in of what adults in the 80s clinged to in order to fill the special void in their life. So watching Cheers now- enjoying the temperament of Norm- feisty but anchored deep in a sadness that the alcohol is numbing (Great TV, Norm is). Getting slightly annoyed with Cliff, but his voice is so welcoming and sincere that I'm not going to fault the man (this episode he wrote a letter to a weather woman for some reason)- so good job Pixar!, and remembering Woody Harrelson was on Cheers and taking note of his performance, because- for some undaeliable (a word I made up meaning REALLY? as an adjective) he is the most successful cast member to come out of Cheers (you saw this coming Danson. you saw it and did nothing to stop it). Also- I have to point out- this was Kirstie Alley era. I prefer Shelley Long era because I'm afraid to be attracted to Kirstie Alley. Anyway- she wanted a tea room in Cheers. Now, as stated, I'm not well versed in Cheers and I am assuming everyone hates the Kirstie Alley era on Cheers, and I hope that everyone hated her character. I know enough that when I see a series replacement actor adding as something as opposite as a Tea Room to a successful show about a bar- that someone was digging through the well worn plot bin. Will it be successful? Yes because somethng happened and now Sam is mad, but they're character play and cynicism, which takes over being funny, makes everything ok in the end because its Cheers and we love it. Anything else? Oh. It is fun to see Frasier and Lilith interact. I support you Bebe Neuwirth and wish you would come back. I'll keep tuning in randomly. Usually late nights. Before Dave. I think. or in the afternoons? I dunno when its on. But I'm gonna probably not, but maybe won't turn it off right away watch out for Cheers. If only to see a good Carla episode. They should use her more? Did they use her more?
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