I am reviewing you reading this, or me writing this. I just said that to be confusing.
Now, excuse me, RIGHT now, I am reviewing Dumb Reviews. A review site. It sits a top a featherbed of shattered glass that is the tear drops from so many underweight prize fighters in Honduras. Keep those elbows meaty, you feignly interesting sons and daughters. See? See! This is where dumb reviews loses you. I wrote that sentence in about 10 seconds without much stopping to think. I re read it and it made some sense (something made of something leading to something that trails off). But just because your purpose can be that you have no purpose, doesn't make it interesting. You gotta pull in those reigns. Make things relatable to the common man (that's you fat ass!), and only sometimes for the most part- do this for yourself.
So lets officially state some things because no one else will, and I should. It was never stated clearly before, but dumb reviews was a joke site (ztated kalearalay now?), in that reviewing a record is kind of a dumb idea these days because music is so readily available that you can just check it out for yourself. So I chose albums I knew that I knew about and that was pretty much the extent of their part. The following 'reviews' of them would be ideas I had that didn't apply to anything but themself. No correlation ever to a record. Sometimes bands with google alerts on their name would contact me, but I can't really prove that so here's the next sentence. Can you see how bored I am talking about the 'former' dumb reviews agenda? Took album, didn't write anything about it. Too high a concept for anyone to truly care about, and now its been months. Now? Yesterday I reviewed Duplicity, with some actual semblance of a review. I didn't aim for anything in particular, just conveyed my thoughts by typing on a blog. Duplicity is far from a new release, I just happened to watch it, and criticize it while I did so. So that's where this landed, I had access to post on a blog site that had review in the title, and I wrote in it yesterday and right now.
In a much more SKIP AHEAD TO HERE to get the jist of things- dumb reviews will no longer serve as a point for me to entertain myself and to see how to alienate myself from any of you. But it now just a site where something is reviewed. There. Things are out and things are open. Oh, and I'm not going to update this consistently.
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