This is a review of the movie duplicity, not the actual occurrence nor the actual movie poster.
And we come back with this? And we start off the comb-back like this? 2 questions, that's enough. Let's talk about this and wait for answers at twelve other points. This is Duplicity. A movie we see not because we've been clamoring for Julia Roberts to pick up her slack (her mouth is mostly slack), nor we trust in Clive Owens (we don't trust him, his name is clive, he is good, he has stubble, can't trust that, can't play 2 on 2 with that, 5 on 5 sure, 827 on 827 if only), No we see Duplicity because of Tony Gilroy and how much we love Michael Clayton. You are on the internet so you can google Tony Gilroy's body and his body of screen writing credits (Bourne Again), but this is his second "I am a man, I am a director" movie with the first one setting a bar too high. What? I love Michael Clayton. George Clooney puts movies on his back and runs around and poses with it and its awesome. I love Michael Clayton, but this isn't a Michael Clayton post. It's not even an Audio Science Clayton post (REFERENCE!). So what do I say about Duplicity- it kept my attention and it bored me in colors. Pretty standard schluck dwelved out by pretty great performances and it ends satisfyingly enough for me to remember I saw it. THATS WHAT YOU GET OUT OF A REVIEW FROM ME. I'm not here to wax intellectual on anything (yes I am) I'm just here for some sentences, some misproper palcement of some letters, and to remind myself that I am a functioning member of society. So you want a better review? Well I'm not finished, how bout that? About that: we got 2 of the greats in this one. Tommy Tubs Wilkinson and Paul G-I, g-i, Giammati. Lets start with the Wilk. Now- arguably Tom's best role was his Oscar snubbed performance as Arthur in Michael Clayton, but here ol Gilroy uses him sparingly. Uses him well, but sparingly. Tom Wilkinson is so adept at becoming part of the movie he's in (In the Bedroom), his character so interwoven into the story (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) that you don't feel bad for not noticing him, but when you do notice him- you have to wonder why. He was noticed in Mike Clayton because, ahem, holy shit he's fucking awesome. And here, he is noticed for being a strong part providing some much needed anger in a movie that needed a lot more of it. As for Pig Vomit Paul (that's not an insult, that's endearment), though only used more slightly than TW, had the scene that stole the show. A good review would give you the back story and set it up. I'm just going to say that if you're looking for a big corporate speech full of cheesy self mocking inside jokes and too close to home crowd play - see Michael Scott when Dwight had to give his speech. But if you want a realistic version of that with more intensity- Duplicty has a scene for you. Duplicity is a stupid name for a movie, and I had to google it to see what it meant. Apparantly it's a shade of Lavender only dogs can see. Here's to a clean kitchen.
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