Jan 28, 2010

Stoned Review: Taking a Shower

Taking a shower stoned really depends on the upbringing of the person doing the taking. I could say showering, but when you're stoned- it just feels more like you're taking it. Like it was happening, and you happen to be there to take it. Now, if you are a get it-get out-I'm filthy type person, then this post is not for you. I imagine those people showering stoned have a tendency to either scrub too hard or rinse too arbitrarily, they're in it for the experience. The demographic I'm reaching for is the slow burners, the ones who actually understood what I meant by that 'take a shower' spiel. Taking a shower stoned lets these people experience what its like if the top of your head was a waterfall and you can control the stream by playing with your bangs. When shampooing, it adds a new layer to staring at your hands- so many bubbles- do these bubbles pop- when I squeeze I make more bubbles- where can these bubbles hide for safety-I am the last relic of the bubble life stream- I am here for a reason- I am here to protect these bubbles. Also, bending over stoned in the shower is a feeling equal to what I guess weightlessness in space for the first time feels like. There are much darker stages of stoned showering to go through, which mainly involves anger towards the water, and the constant denial of one's self satisfaction. I don't pee in the shower, but I bet there are some demons behind that yellow stream. Demons being freed from a shackle of tyranny of being told where to pee. There was another aspect to tell, but I was stoned and I completely forgot it. Maybe it had to do with singing or drying off? I dunno. I couldn't take notes, I was in the shower. My hair is still kind of wet as I type this though. If that comforts you. If it comforts you to know the time frame from shower to blog post. Overall, I must say I like brushing my teeth better stoned, mainly because I have an electric toothbrush and more mainly because I am ashamed of my naked body. Wet pep talks are depressing.

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